Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hot Cross buns!!

in the oven , looking good

I could eat them all year round. The smell of fresh hot cross buns evokes wonderful childhood memories of Easter, my dad would make bake these on Easter Saturday morning while we kids were busy in the garden searching for colored eggs. And what's happened to this tradition the looks of the faces of children these days when I told them that the eggs we were looking for were not chocolate but hard boiled eggs! They where the best! My mum showed us all the games to play with your egg, like see who had the hardest egg, you had to smash the pointy end of your egg into your opponents egg, bad luck if they didn't know their pointy egg ends!
There was another game where you had to as hard as you could throw coins into an egg and if it stuck the money was yours...try doing that with a chocolate egg...Kids just don't know how to have fun anymore!


  1. Очень аппетитно!! Ням-ням!!))

  2. OHHHH.... my God is a recipe that I would like to do but.... there is no translator on your blog.... you help me putting translator?

    Hook from Venice

